44 Tips That Socially Awkward 20-Somethings Should Use To Make More Friends


8. It doesn’t matter how funny it was earlier that day when you saw it, don’t force someone to watch a 4 minute youtube clip on the spot.

9. I read somewhere that in radio, if the announcer mispronounces a word, 10% of people notice, unless the announcer corrects themselves. Then 50% notice. If they mispronounce their correction, 90% notice. I have zero idea if these statistics are true, but the comparison stands. If you do something weird or dumb, and no one calls you on it, don’t acknowledge that you did anything weird or dumb at all. If you absolutely must draw attention to your flaws, keep it incredibly brief. It’s not awkward to be around the person who said “grool.” It’s super awkward to be around the person who said “grool” then explained themselves and apologized and said “omg I’m so awkwarddddddd” for 60 seconds afterwards.