44 Tips That Socially Awkward 20-Somethings Should Use To Make More Friends


19. Forcing a joke or trying too hard to be funny. I find certain socially awkward people repeat jokes they heard or try way too hard when it’s not relevant to the conversation. I just find some socially awkward people try too hard to be liked and sometimes come off too strong.

20. Confidence is quiet, anxiety speaks. Confident people say “I did this”, non-confident people say “I did this because”. Basically, unless someone asks you, don’t preemptively justify or explain yourself.

21. Caring too much about minor flubs. Even the most socially graceful person in the world will do something embarrassing or awkward every so often. We’ll trip over our own feet, say “grool” when we meant to say “great” or “cool,” accidentally say something insulting when we meant it as a compliment, etc. etc. etc. “Socially fluent” people will brush it off to the point where half the time, no one knows it happened at all. “Socially awkward people” will try to overcorrect and end up drawing more attention to the situation, and dragging it out for a long time.