50 Marriage Counselors On The Most Common Mistakes Couples Make


11. Not giving intimacy in their relationship enough attention. This includes but is not limited to sex. Many relationships start with the “hot and heavy” phase where intimacy can come naturally. As this phase diminishes many couples do not spend the time and energy to consider how to maintain a healthy level of intimacy now that it doesn’t just come naturally.

12. People don’t learn to fight. You have to fight fair in a relationship. People go nuts when they get mad and some couples never learn to fight in a way that honors the person you are fighting with. It is so important to learn to respect space, don’t assume motives, and take turns in explaining your views.

13. The main mistake being the use of the word “You” / “your” or any similar words targeting the other partner in an argument (for example “you said you would do the dishes!”)

This puts the person receiving the comment into a defensive mode and they stop listening and get defensive. Thus, communication breaks down.