50 Ways Men Can Completely Ruin Their Chances With A Strong Woman


25. He approached me at the bus stop, and said “Hey I just wanted to say I think you’ve very pretty. Is it ok if I give you my number?”

He did everything right. He was courteous and respectful. Bonus points for offering me HIS number instead of asking for my number (giving me the opportunity to not contact him if I wasn’t interested).

The only reason I didn’t text him later was because his entire body and face were covered in the trashiest tattoos I’ve ever seen. Swastikas, marijuana leaves, 666, 69, dice, teardrops under the eyes, that sort of shit. I love tattoos, and I think you should be judged on your behaviour – not your appearance, but there are definitely exceptions to that rule.

26. He asked me the same “small talk” questions ten minutes after me answering the first time.

Then he asked them again.