50 Ways Men Can Completely Ruin Their Chances With A Strong Woman


27. On the first date, he bragged to me about how he basically scammed another guy out of a motorcycle. What was worse was how proud of himself he was. There wasn’t a second date.

28. He was rude as fuck to a server. She was a teenager and it was probably her first job. He threw the straw she handed him and demanded she lay it on the table, not hand it to him. Poor thing looked like she was going to cry. I left immediately but nor before handing her a twenty and gave her a little pep talk.

29. I drove for my second date with a guy. Picked him up at his house, and while chatting on the way to the restaurant, we merge onto the highway. Though the merge onto the highway was completely normal and uneventful he said, “Do you hate merging?”

I respond, “No…..why would I feel any way about merging?”

He replied, “Most women hate merging. I guess it’s scary for them. Driving is a lot for most women.”

Okay, we’re done here.