If You Can Be Anything In The World, I Hope You Choose This
I hope you choose to be someone who remains soft.
I hope you choose to be someone who remains soft.
This is your reminder that you are not weak because of your emotions—you’re strong because of them.
Selfless people are so busy giving their energy and time to other people just because that’s who they are, while others are so busy taking them for granted.
In a world where you don’t know what to expect anymore, find the art in laughing at your messes, your failures, your insecurities, your heartbreaks—everything.
Tell me how your family first broke your heart and I’ll tell you of your resilience and willingness to believe that love doesn’t always end in disaster.
You are the God of miracles and breakthroughs, and I need You to restore every part of me that I no longer recognize because of my grief.
When you lose someone you love, it drastically changes you to the point of no return.
Without strong role models, you think strength is not feeling anything.
Everyone wants success, but the problem lies in how far you’re willing to go to get it.
No matter your skin color or race, use your voice to speak up and put racism to an end.