Quiz: Which Canadian City Should You Live In?
From the Rockies to the Maritimes, there’s somewhere in Canada where you belong. Take this quiz to find our exactly where!
From the Rockies to the Maritimes, there’s somewhere in Canada where you belong. Take this quiz to find our exactly where!
Sometimes you terrify me but I pity the fool who hurts me when you’re around.
I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you.
It’s ok to voice your needs – in fact it’s better that way so I know how to accommodate you.
You could stand to relax a bit.
You don’t have to always be brave and joyful and shoulder everyone’s problems. You are a universe in yourself.
Please invite your friends and family to participate in this survey!
Art is important but so is experiencing life.
They lost someone they loved. And they need to mourn that, no matter how right the decision to leave them – or be left by them – was.
It’s possible to have fun without every single person participating.