No Matter How Hard It Is, You Need To Just Let Go
“You make the decision to not let this person, this experience affect you any more. You put down your damn foot and you stare the past straight in the eye and you let go.”
“You make the decision to not let this person, this experience affect you any more. You put down your damn foot and you stare the past straight in the eye and you let go.”
There are so many wonderful strangers that you can have meaningless, but still meaningful flings with. There are so many hands you may touch fleetingly but hold forever.
If love meets you along the way, welcome it with open arms. Be vulnerable, be honest, open yourself up to hurt. But when the bitter winter arrives and you no longer have them as your home, don’t go cold. Have a fire burning so bright within yourself that you don’t need anything else to keep you alive.
I don’t want to eventually become the girl without a voice. Neither do you, so if your stuck in a rut of lying because your terrified of people seeing the real you.
We all have in us, the capacity to be kind.
When you think of how quickly your life has gone so far, putting a number on how long you have left makes it seem far too short.
What we don’t need, is someone to save us. Only you can save you.
The reason I didn’t tell people things quickly was because I hadn’t found the magic words and that’s when I knew I needed to be a writer.
Appreciate the damn things while you have them. Don’t wait until their gone to romanticize them. Realize their worth.
“You can’t keep dancing with the devil and ask why you’re still in hell.”