17 People Answer The Question, ‘If They’re Really The One, Shouldn’t The Relationship Be Easy?’
“It is not always easy, but it should NEVER be painful.”
“It is not always easy, but it should NEVER be painful.”
“If it’s the right person, it is the right time. If you can honestly walk away or give that excuse, then they aren’t the right person.”
You are the one person I will never get over, ever. You are the one who will always be the ‘What if?’…I wanted a family with you, to have your children. You are the ONLY man I ever wanted to marry. And you broke my heart—again.
“Best part about being in a relationship? Sex.
Worst? No sex. You’re welcome.”
“One simple thing: They breathe, regardless of what life throws at them.”
“When his smile makes you feel like you won the lottery.”
“It ain’t no use putting up your umbrella till it rains!” —Alice Caldwell Rice
“Stop trying so hard. Spend some time focusing on yourself and don’t shy away from developing friendships. The saying ‘it comes when you least expect it’ was very true in my experience.”
“A word used by feminists to silence men and prevent them from learning that men actually have problems too and that their point of view isn’t the only one.”
When a woman doesn’t respond to his advances, he goes from calling her “immaculate” to a “delusional bitch.”