To My Summer Love, My Summer Scar
To my summer scar:
You brought the summer vibe to my winter heart. You tanned my pale skin and woke me up with the ocean tides. The salty breeze felt like your warm hug.
To my summer scar:
In a tropical country, you only come once a year and that terrifies me, because I might need you for the whole year to repair me, to be there when I need someone to hear my sentiments, rants, and aches, to tell me that we don’t need the validation of others to understand who we are.
To my summer scar:
If you can, please run away from me, because I know life is full of changes and if I place my happiness on you and you disappear, I don’t know how much of myself will remain.
To my summer scar:
If only you could have stayed, I would have done everything to love you. But you couldn’t, and it’s okay. Because not everything we love stays and not everyone we love will love us in return.
To my summer scar:
You gave me hope to be new again. It was you who showed me the brighter way. I will take this short affinity we had not as a failure but a lesson and a compliment. Thank you for leaving this pain, this scar. I will forever carry it with me.