50 Marriage Counselors On The Most Common Mistakes Couples Make
45. Biggest mistake is waiting too long to get help. Repeat issues coming up again and again will not resolve themselves. Get help before it’s helpless.
46. Sexual incompatibility. Misunderstanding sex as a bonding activity. When one or the other believes sex is something one does to another as if it was just a utility.
47. People that don’t quite realize that marriage works best when you are both acting in the others’ best interest and seeking their happiness more than your own.
It crops up a lot, but not exclusively, in sex/intimacy: if your primary concern in sex is you, you are not going to build any kind of bond or intimate connection, and nor is it going to be much fun for your partner.
Marriage is a lot about sacrifice and the couples I see thriving are the ones who are each willing to make sacrifices for the other and for their family.
Couples who get married thinking that the coming decades of marriage are going to be exactly like the dating or the honeymoon phase, when they face major challenges or speed bumps in their life together, have a real hard time dealing with it, “But I thought I was supposed to be happy”.