Only Retail Workers Will Understand These 50 Stories About Serving Demon Customers


28. I work in a cinema in the uk. Got called out to check a kids age as they didn’t look old enough for a 15 rated film. Straight away parents are on edge. Parents are the worst for ID checks. They’ll swear the sky is purple to get their precious kid into fucking Deadpool.

“Well he does look young, has he ID”

“Do you want to see his dick”

“Why would you say that?!?!” Was my first reaction.

No sir. I don’t want to see your kids dick even if he is fifteen. I asked him and his entire family to leave. He came back and apologised.

29. Had a customer tell me I was a lazy piece of shit because I wouldn’t grab his wife a flat cart. I was with another customer. He told me they were there to drop $400 on a lawnmower. I laughed and said let me know when you plan on filling a trailer and dropping $20 grand.