Only Retail Workers Will Understand These 50 Stories About Serving Demon Customers


 3. I worked in a T-Mobile store. A lady comes in screaming about how she bought a phone the previous day, didn’t buy insurance and dropped it in a pool. She was demanding I give her a new phone for free. But, she wasn’t even our customer. She was a Verizon customer. She screamed at me for about ten minutes demanding I call our manager. She then started yelling at other customers about how awful we were. Called the cops.

4. When the old guy I was serving kept looking at my chest and making creepy facial expressions, I asked him if he wanted a drink or he was just going to keep staring. He excitedly put his hands out and went ‘oh, I can do more than stare!’ and tried to walk behind the bar to grab my chest. I told him to get the fuck out, to which he seemed very shocked and outraged so I just started to loudly shout back to him ‘sir, please do not try to grope my chest. You need to leave’ over and over until the rest of the bar was staring and he was whispering for me to please be quiet. So the wife I didn’t know he came with wouldn’t hear him. Can only imagine the argument that unfolded while she was dragging him out.